19th September 2023

People are fired up about types again

The open source project turbo decided to move its codebase from typescript to javascript and drama ensued. Developers flocked to twitter with visceral reactions, mock PRs were opened, response videos were made and articles (like this one) were written.


The change is described in the article Turbo 8 is dropping TypeScript by DHH. You could argue that it’s not worth writing about this drama anymore. Too bad. I’m channeling the same energy as the stick figure above… duty calls.

Let’s be clear, I do not want to talk about DHH or his history. I’m pretty sure that a lot of the online commentary is driven by the desire to dunk on him. I don’t care about that, maybe he deserves it, maybe he doesn’t. I do find the technical arguments people are using to go about their “dunk” very interesting though.

Minus some embellishment the article is straightforward. TLDR version

So is this a breaking change?

My mental model for a breaking change is.

  1. A user writes code using a library.
  2. The user updates to a new version of the library.
  3. If the user has to change their code in any way for it to continue functioning then it’s a breaking change.

I like this definition because it’s not subjective.

Pop Quiz! Imagine you updated to a new version of a library and the autocomplete in your editor/IDE stopped working. Or if it no longer quickly displayed documentation. Is breaking DX a breaking change?

Not knowing what turbo is I had a look at the documentation. Maybe I’m missing something but the public api seems to only have four methods. In fact as far as I can tell you’re meant to use it by dropping in a script tag with no custom code at all! Similar to something like htmx. It can’t break your typescript/javascript if you don’t have any!

Ok but what if you are calling those API functions? Sure, your tooling will no longer give you a red squiggle if you mess up the calls, but will it stop working if all you do is upgrade? I can’t see how.

This looks like a non-breaking change… But wait, if we check the published files they’ve included all the type definitions. Maybe your code imports those definitions and now your build is failing. Uh oh, you’d have to change your codebase to fix it. That’s a breaking change!

Yeah yeah, but how many people are actually using turbo like that? Surely the majority are just making a handful of calls to those API functions… or they’re not using the API at all! Unfortunately you can’t wriggle out of breaking changes like that.

This is a breaking change.

How bad is it?

To recap

  1. Does it break existing code that just drops in the script. Nope.
  2. Does it break existing code that calls the minimal api without explicitly importing types. Nope.
  3. Does it break users or wrapping libraries that explicitly import the types. Yep.

What percentage of users are impacted? This is really hard to know without monitoring or telemetry. My gut feeling is that users would overwhelmingly be in situation 1. or 2.

For those in situation 3. What’s required to proceed?

As far as breaking changes go it’s not the worst I’ve seen, not even close. You could summarize it as - A build time breakage to a minimal API that effects minority of users. The solution is to maintain what was removed outside the official project.

For a bit of perspective let’s pivot and consider an alternate situation. Just a few weeks ago Astro 3.0 dropped, alongside an announcement that Vercel will become their official hosting partner. At the same time they dropped support for edge rendering in their official Vercel adapter. It’s a breaking change.

They determined (via telemetry) that it only affected a small number of users. The change was justified because it was an internal maintenance burden and a solution was to maintain the removed behavior outside the official project.

If you think this is a fair course of action, then it seems like you should at least consider the decision made by turbo to be fair as well? No?

I’ve seen a lot of commentary about how inconsiderate turbo developers have been to their users with this change, showing a gross lack of empathy. Oh boy, if you’re upset about this I can’t wait to hear your python 2/3 takes. Like it or not breaking changes happen all the time. Sorry, I’m not buying the “think of the poor users” argument in this case.

Don’t mess with my DX!

If this isn’t an egregious breaking change, why the outrage? As developers, we get way too attached to our tools. We’re so concerned about our “editing experience” it seems we forget about what actually matters to the users of our software. A lot of dunks focused on DX.

“to take the first API I can find referenced in the docs — if I start typing Turbo.visit(…), I lose:

  • checking that location is a string | URL
  • autocomplete of e.g. the action option (key AND value)
  • inline docs

it’s madness.” - Rich Harris

“removing types from your own code is clownish, epically misguided behaviour, but whatever — to each their own. Removing types from a library THAT OTHER PEOPLE HAVE TO USE, however, is just user-hostile dickwaddery.” - Rich Harris

“Say it with me:

TypeScript was built to make your IDE more powerful.

If you don’t use TypeScript, your IDE will do a worse job of helping you.

It’s as simple as that.” - Matt Pocock

Yep, the worst possible outcome in software development - developers without autocomplete. This is pure DX bikeshedding! Here is a scale I just completely made up showing things you might consider when evaluating a library.

scale for evaluating libraries

I’m not saying DX doesn’t matter at all. I’m an autocomplete enjoyer like the rest of you. I’d also agree that providing type information has become table stakes in modern frontend development. But really, is it so important that we need to lob tweets like Molotov cocktails. It might be shocking, but quality software was written before editors supported autocomplete, language server protocol, and red squiggly lines. There are more important things (especially for your users).

It’s 2023! You gotta use them types

Alright here we are, the part of the discussion about types vs no types. I’ll keep it short. Reading through the PR it’s clear that some people just couldn’t come to terms with the fact maintainers didn’t like typescript. It’s kind of comical when you think about people being offended by another project not using types or a certain tool.

Look I get it, typechecking can help a lot, I use it frequently. But it’s just a tool, with its own set of tradeoffs. It certainly isn’t a prerequisite for writing quality software. There are many, many examples that counter that.

None of this matters

We’re talking about open source software. Everyone is allowed their own opinions, I certainly have some. However, unless you’re a turbo maintainer they simply don’t matter.

“The only people entitled to say how open source ‘ought’ to work are people who run projects, and the scope of their entitlement extends only to their own projects.”

“I encourage everyone gnashing their teeth with negativity at what they think they can’t do instead pick something positive they can do and do it.”

Open source is not about you - Rich Hickey

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